DT Unit based on the topic of SImple Circuits and Switches
Outcome: Torch
PPT covering these lessons:
Understand how circuits are used in simple products
Investigate how to make an electrical circuit using switches.
Investigate casings for torches
Design a torch for a particular purpose.
Evaluate a finished product.
PDF with resources
DT Unit based on the topic of Combining different fabric shapes
Outcome: Recycled Bag
PPT covering these lessons:
Evaluate existing products. *
Carry out market research *
Know and choose the most appropriate stitch.
Develop design ideas *
Make 2D paper patterns and create a 3D mock up.
Create a 3D textile product.
Evaluate my finished product. *
Worksheet included for lesson
DT Unit based on the unit 2D Shape to 3D Product.
Outcome - Make a purse/wallet
PPT for the whole unit covering these lessons:
Evaluate exsiting products
Practicse different types of stitches
Make a paper pattern
Create a design crieteria meeting the needs of a user
Plan your final design
Create a 3D textile product
Evaluate final product
PDF with worksheets
DT Unit based on the topic of Shell Structures
Outcome: Packaging for biscuits
PPT covering these lessons:
Investigate and evaluate structures.
Construct nets to create 3D shapes.
Explore the use of graphics on packaging.
Booklet for each child with these pages:
Investigate and evaluate existing packaging.
Explore the use of graphics on packaging.
Know how to strengthen and stiffen shell structures.
Develop a design brief and sketch ideas for a product.
Design my final product
Assemble and create a finished product.
Evaluate my finished product.
DT unit based on the topic of Levers and Linkages
Outcome: Greeting Card
PPT covering these lessons:
WALT: Evaluate existing products
WALT: Understand how a range of mechanisms create movement.
WALT: Create a design criteria meeting the needs of a user.
WALT: Create a prototype to develop ideas.
PDF with worksheets